septembrie 01, 2012


      There comes a time in one's life when this said possessor of a first person narrative is required to brave inhospitable conditions and face inner limitations. A gloomy time when retrospectives are in order and facepalms triggered by self-derogatory impulses are a must. And no, I ain't talking 'bout surpassing no mental ilnesses or nothin' (that was last summer's feat of endurance) but more of stepping out into the desert otherwise known as a "personal blog". Yes, siree, Bob, there's nothing like making a great comeback to ye ol' blog account and being greeted by tumbleweeds. Having your baby kidnapped by a bunch of hillbillies would cause less heartache. So, in order to prevent another woe-is-me type of situation, I thought I'd refurbish this place with some pictures. Even the Kalahari gets its sporadic sprinkle, doesn't it?

So, without further ado, I hereby present you with the most emblematic shots of my past year:

February 2012, Cluj. Cryogenic groove.

April 2012, Sibiu.  One of the last barely bearable days of this almost moribund 2012. 

April 2012, Cluj. Post-Ab Fab Fair prancing around.

May 2012, Cluj. Snaps taken before Răzvan Ciobanu's May Fashion Show which just so happened to "grace" the inner courtyard of our very own Cluj-Napoca Museum of Art. The attendees' attitudes? A perfectly studied constipated chic.

July 2012, Cluj. A moment of avian poise, courtesy of my swan print dress.

July 2012, Budapest. Partial amnesia in the land of goulash.

August 2012, Bucharest. Momentary lapse of reason in the one capital I love. 

August, September 2012. Random Instagram shots.


3 comentarii:

  1. O poza reprezinta echivalentul a 1000 cuvinte si le-ai prezentat atat de frumos:*:*cute cute:*..urmeaza sa adaugi colectiei pozele din frumoasa Florenta si ar superb sa adaugi evenimente pana la sfarsitul anului:*sa ai un an complet exprimat prin fotografii:>:>ce zici?draga mea ;;);;)

  2. Couldn't agree more :) Problema e cu bateriile de la aparat, că dacă nu ne lasă cu ele pe avion, o să trebuiască să ne bazăm pe iPad şi pe pozele inferioare calitativ pe care le face el :))

  3. uuu I spy with my little eye poza pe care ti-am facut-o sa para ca-n Paris :))
