decembrie 22, 2010
A bunch of White Lies
Spiritu-mi critic trece printr-o perioadă ce nu poate fi definită decât ca hyper-bitchy. Şi-mi pare rău pentru victimele colaterale, cum ar fi, în fapt, şi White Lies. Zilele trecute le-am văzut noul clip, preview single-ul pentru viitorul album. Melodia păstrează acelaşi ambiguu, post-punk feel, tipii nu se dezic nici la versuri, acestea păstrând acelaşi motiv al dezrădăcinării şi al dorului dramatic de casă şi masă, motiv identificabil şi în veterane precum "Farewell to the Fairground". Şi totuşi, făcând abstracţie de piesă, nu pot decât să jelesc lipsa de ingeniozitate a brain council-ului din spatele video-ului. Asemănare jenantă cu "Evil" de la Interpol- check. Tema abuzată a apocalipsei/a bolii traumatizante făr' de leac/a copilului cu conştiinţă de adult, crescut în aceeaşi creşă cu Haley Joel Osment din The Sixth Sense/a trupei mesianice- check. Întrebarea mea, de bun simţ, de altfel, este: câte videoclipuri cu muzicieni izbăvitori, puşi în situaţii cataclismice sau epidemice mai pot apărea? Pare-se că într-atâtea încât s-ar cere pentru a se depăşi numărul de clipuri cu saxofonişti senzuali din anii '90.
Compare and contrast, my friends:
(even the video thumbnails look the same.)
decembrie 01, 2010
Major discovery
A rare breed of Pokemon was found lurking in Southern Romania yesterday, Neptun TV News reports. Allegedly, the reclusive creature and its fellow kinsmen live in a colony, tucked away from all contact with other beings.
Occassionally, however, these majestic animals, pressed by hunger and exquisite taste in garments, leave their realm in order to provide for their community. Exposed to the common folk at weddings and banquets, they give mesmerizing displays of talent and skill, singing and gracefully prancing around, gulping down huge amounts of food and drinks while doing so. This is all, of course, in the noble attempt to save their race from extinction.
While away from their homeland, The Pokemon Band (as they came to be known, due to their preferred form of social organization) have adopted a sort of dandy fashion as their trademark, all in the hope of being liked by the humans. Do not be fooled though! These frocks, although highly classy, are not an authentic reflection of their beautiful, inner selves, but a mere superficial shell.
Their cultural sophistication is, perhaps, best illustrated by their various methods of social interactions and family relations. The Pokemon Band and their kin cherish the female component of their social structure above all others, as can be inferred from listening to the musical piece above. In the case of symbolical emasculation by other members of the community, the male will seek vengeance, best served in the shape of a glorious self-empowering song or ballad. Also, supremacy within this race is easily attainable: whoever produces the sappiest, most heartfelt songs is king.
Researchers, despite doting on these marvellous creatures, give a word of advice: when travelling in rural or culturally underdeveloped areas, stay alert at all times. If you, by any chance, happen to see a large, pink mass glowing in the distance, you are not delusional. It is, in fact, a herd headed your way, the most ravaging herd of them all, and if you don't run for cover, you might just get stomped by their symphonies.
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